Blessing the Baskets on Pascha

Schedule of Services
and Parish Calendar

Schedule of Services

The Bible tells us that in God's time, the day begins with evening (“the evening and the morning were the first day”), so the services of Sunday begin on Saturday evening.

Vespers is a service that both closes the day that is past and begins the new day. Our Great Vespers service on Saturday evening begins the Lord's day each week.

On Sunday morning, the services of the Third Hour and the Sixth Hour continue the services of the Lord's Day, followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy.

If you have not visited us before, we have prepared some information that may be helpful for your first visit.

Saturday Evening:

Great Vespers: 6:00 PM

Sunday Morning:

Hours: 9:40 AM
Divine Liturgy: 10:00 AM

Following the Services:

Following the Divine Liturgy, around noon, we gather for a “coffee hour” with some light food, coffee and tea. Please join us for reverent and joyful worship, and please stay after the services for refreshment, food, and fellowship!

Parish Calendar